christmas is tomorrow and tonight is going to be long and hard. venicer and people will be coming to look for me. she made cookies, stale cookies. like a week ago. :]
many of my friends are having their birthdays this time of the year, easily about 10 of them back to back. i ought to plan my next year just for december. for the few i didnt get to celebrate with, i am truly sorry about that and i wish y'all a happy birthday, and a good new year, you know what i'm saying.
it's the end of the year and wanderlust is kicking me again inside. just today, i gave in and got a ticket to join my friends in phuket for next sunday. i know its not the nicest of places but it is a no-frills kind of destination for burned out me. i figured that it'd be also a nice way to start a new year as well as a nice one to break away this current humdrum, and i will come back fresh and happy once more, just in time for my birthday haha. ok, at least, i am sticking to one of my plans.